Global Mailing Data Systems

Technology Mailing Lists

Build a Better Marketing Campaign

B2B opt-in email lists completely customized to your marketing requirements

Technology Lists

You’ll have access to information from most of the firms that have purchased certain products/services, as well as more than 400,000 executive contacts who are interested in related products and value added, related services, if you use the Global Mailing Data Technology B2B list. We have key contacts from the Americas, Asia/Pacific, and Europe in our database. Global Mailing Data’s tailored technology business lists, title/industry specific mailing lists, and email lists have shown to be the most effective way to reach the right prospects, improve income, and cut marketing costs in half.

If you’re a technology company or have items linked to technology that you’d like to advertise to decision-makers all over the world, our recently updated and validated technology lists can help you do so.B2D8EF


ERP Prospect Lists

Storage Vendors Prospect Lists

CRM Prospect Lists

DBMS Vendors Prospect Lists