Global Mailing Data Systems

List Management

Service for List Management and Data Cleaning

List Management

Does Your Data Work For You?

Data Scrubbing And Mailing List Cleaning Services Prevent Database Disasters

Data scrubbing, often referred to as mailing list cleanup, data cleaning, merge and purge, or data cleansing, is an important part of data management. Is your database system assisting you in achieving the revenues you deserve? Are your mailing lists up to date if you work with them? We undertake data scrubbing, mailing list cleanup, database or mailing list merging and purge to verify that you are using the best available data… all of the methods required for efficient database list usage

The United States Postal Service states that 35% of all bulk mail mailed every year ends up in the garbage due to inaccurate addressing.

The Big Problem - Data Corruption

Data cleansing, mailing list cleaning (also known as mailing list cleanup), data scrubbing, and list de-duplication (de-duping) can all help you get rid of your data issues.

Gain Perspective. See your Customers More Clearly

Global Mailing Data Services provides data scrubbing services for mailing lists and databases. We can de-dupe, or merge/purge, your mailing lists as well.

Do you have a high number of non-deliverables and low response rates? Is your business grinding to a halt due to data inaccuracies and incorrect data?

Before you start your mailing or advertising campaign, make sure your data is clean. Otherwise, it’s possible that your mission-critical database will cost you a lot of money. Data cleansing, data cleanup, and mail list cleaning can help you get the best return on your investment (ROI).

If your data doesn’t function for you, it adds to your workload, increases your irritation, and adds to your stress. Cleaning your data can help you relax. You simply cannot afford incorrect data whether it comes to internal business activities, lists, mailings, or outbound calls. Allow us to use our data scrubbing, data cleaning, and merge/purge procedures to remove errors, rectify your data, and de-dupe your list before you launch your next campaign.

How can you prevent bad data?

What if you could get rid of your database worries by using a full-spectrum database service? We specialize in data scrubbing, mailing list cleanup, and de-duplication, often known as data de-duping or simply de-duping, at Global Mailing Data Database Services.

Email Append:

You have a massive customer database with your clients’ names and postal addresses…but no email addresses. This service will compare your file to a permission-based email database and supply you with your customers’ email addresses.

Reverse Email Append:

You’ve accumulated a list of email addresses through online website registrations, but you don’t have full names or addresses. Your subscriber file is compared to a permission-based email database, and the subscriber’s name and mailing address are added to your file.

Email Update (also called ECOA or Email Change of Address):

You, like many other marketers, have a large email database, but you lose about 30% of your email addresses each year due to bounced emails. Your faulty email addresses are replaced with a fresh deliverable email address for the same customer when you use Email Update Service.

AMPlify (Append, Model, Prospect):

You can attach demographic and lifestyle information to your matched customer data during any Email Append project. This data can be used to create a profile of your online clients, which can then be used to identify prospects who are similar to them from permission-based acquisition email lists.