Global Mailing Data Systems

Data Hygiene Service

B2B opt-in email lists fully adapted to your requirements for marketing.

Campaign for Better Marketing

Data Hygiene Services

Global Mailing Data specifically for B2B enterprises, offers Data Enhancement and Data Hygiene Services solutions. Global Mailing Data has developed a set of data cleaning and enrichment services to ensure that you have the most up-to-date, deliverable data possible.

Our Data Hygiene services include:

Reduce cost, complexity, and risk by outsourcing your list management services to Global Mailing Data.

Let us help you

No matter what shape your data is in, we’ll quickly identify, prioritize and resolve the issues that keep your marketing initiatives from moving forward.

Email Update (also called ECOA or Email Change of Address):

 Unlike many other marketers, you have a large email database, but bouncing emails cause you to lose about 30% of your email addresses each year. Your faulty email addresses will be replaced with a new deliverable email address for the same customer if you use the Email Update Service.

List Management:

Global Mailing Data allows you to control your whole service list. We can immediately increase your list rental income through upgrading and positioning. Our knowledgeable data management team will safeguard your information while providing high-quality fulfilment services.

Database Enhancement:

Gain greater insight on your customer database by adding demographics and phone numbers.

List Services:

Full service List Management, List Brokerage, List Rental, and Licensing.