Global Mailing Data Systems

B2B List Services

Campaign for Better Marketing

B2B opt-in email lists fully adapted to your requirements for marketing.

Business Email Lists

You need customers and need a way of generating sales leads to succeed in getting customers. But finding these customers in a weak economy simply becomes harder and potential buyers simply do not react to traditional marketing methods. The fact is, you need a more focused and efficient lead generation method to succeed.

The Global Mailing Data offers accurate and affordable information for companies that are continuously updated. Our targeted lists of companies can thus help you increase your customer base.

Reach Top Level Decision Makers or over 42 million influential B2B Executives at nearly 13 million companies.

Using our Lists you Can:

1. Target New Businesses , or well established Businesses (including millions of Home-Based Businesses).

2. Find categories such as, Information Technology, Bankers, Insurance Agents, Import-Exporters etc.

3. Present your offers to Brand New Businesses !

4. Market to professionals such as Directors, CEO’s, CFO’s, Managers.

5. Locate professionals by industry (i.e. IT, Sales & Marketing, Lawyers, Purchase, Accountants, Realtors etc), at their addresses.

6. New Business Lists – Get in touch with new business owners and decision makers.

7. Choose by Corporate Lineage.

Guaranteed deliverability.
Although this is the best business data anywhere, it isn’t perfect yet. A small proportion of mistakes and new businesses are still found. It is not rare to have unlimited names of 3 to 7%, particularly in high turnover industries.