Global Mailing Data Systems

Alternate Contact and Title Appending

Furnish email addresses to your current database

Add 100% opt-in, accurate data.

Appending an alternative contact and a relevant title

We can populate your in-house database with account details for other persons from the same organization or functional/job area. If you’d want the account information for XYZ Company’s Associate Sales Manager and Senior Sales Manager, we can provide such information.

Alternate Contact Appending is a valuable tool that allows you to add alternate contacts from the same firm to your customer/prospect file. It’s a fantastic approach to communicate with several people at the same firm.

Title Appending Annexure:

If it is personalised for the person to whom the message is intended, it is only meaningful. In their prospect database, most companies do not have job titles. The importance of titles in efficient targeted marketing cannot be overstated. Leads from the global corporate industry can add the latest and right work titles to your database to make targeted marketing more effective.

Alternate contact/title attachment service can make a contact file incomplete and increase the value of your database in a valuable leads list. We can add complete details such as physical address, title, telephone, fax number, e-mail address, area code etc.

High append rates ranging from 35 – 75%