Global Mailing Data Systems

List Management

Manage lists and services for data cleaning

List Management Services

Do you have a strategy in place to keep and expand your current clients and prospects?

When it comes to exploiting relationships with your greatest customers, success can help you considerably increase your revenue. We specialize in data scrubbing, mailing list cleanup, and de-duplication, often known as data de-duping or simply de-duping, at Global Mailing Data’s Database Services.

The existing client base is one of the most undervalued sources of successful revenue growth. Many companies place a high priority on prospecting and have well-defined strategies for acquiring new clients. While this is critical, having a strong plan in place to keep and increase your existing customers is also critical. Unfortunately, very few businesses have a complete current customer growth strategy that is communicated, monitored, and enthusiastically adopted by the whole organization. Appending is a solution that focuses on working with your existing in-house database and appending or adding missing information that translates into new business or sales.

Email Append :

You have a massive customer database with your clients’ names and postal addresses…but no email addresses. This service will compare your file to a permission-based email database and supply you with your customers’ email addresses.

Reverse Email Append:

You’ve accumulated a list of email addresses through online website registrations, but you don’t have full names or addresses. Your subscriber file is compared to a permission-based email database, and the subscriber’s name and mailing address are added to your file.

Email Update (also called ECOA or Email Change of Address):

 Like many marketers you have a large email database, but you lose about 30% of your email addresses each year due to bounced emails. Your invalid email addresses are updated with a new deliverable email address for the same customer when you use Email Update Service.

AMPlify (Append, Model, Prospect):

Your matching customer records can be appended with demographic and lifestyle information during any Email Append project. This data can be utilised to create an online customer profile, which can subsequently be used to find similar prospects from permission-based acquisition email lists.

Multiple contact appending:

Cloning your best customers / Customer Profiling:

You’ve probably heard of the Pareto principle, which states that 80% of your revenues originate from 20% of your clients. As a result, you’ll need a strategy for attracting more of these ideal clientele. And the easiest way to achieve it is to pick the top 20% of customers and see what they all have in common (Industry, Employee Size, Position, Sales etc.).