Global Mailing Data Systems

Contact Appending

List Management and Data Cleaning services

Contact Appending Service

Why are your current lists not working for you?

Your lead generation and sales initiatives will not produce the expected outcomes if they are directed to the incorrect contact database.

Using our Targeted Contact Discovery and List Developing Package, we have an interesting service for building Targeted Opt-in lists. We can assist you build opt-in lists after you’ve identified your target audience by sending a couple of introduction messages to the target lists and weeding out unsubscribes / opt-outs (typically under 2 percent -4 percent ). You will receive the remaining (over 96 percent +) Opt-in Business records at the conclusion of the campaigns, which will include Top Executives from most companies across the United States or a specific State, as well as complete contact details such as email address, phone, fax, mailing address, sales, employees, title, industry, SIC codes, and more.

Our expertise is in creating lists that are tailored to your individual market needs. You may create your own business lists from our 42 million opt-in database using whatever criteria you choose, such as Zip Codes, SIC codes, Industry Types, Employee Sizes, Titles, Revenue, Geographic Location, and any other criteria you want. We can develop custom lists for you in weeks thanks to our team of over 350 data specialists. Our data team can help you construct a couple of thousand record database with email that allows us to meet your marketing objectives, regardless of industry niche.

Alternate Contact and Title Appending

We can supplement your in-house database with contact information for other persons from the same organisation or functional/job area. If you’d want the contact information for XYZ Company’s Associate Sales Manager and Senior Sales Manager, we can provide such information.
Alternate Contact Appending is a valuable tool that allows you to add alternate contacts from the same firm to your customer/prospect file. It’s a fantastic approach to communicate with several people at the same firm.

Title Appending Service

Only if your message is personalised for the person to whom it is addressed will it make sense. In most cases, job titles are not listed in the prospect database. The importance of titles in efficient targeted marketing cannot be overstated. Global Mailing Data can update your database with the most up-to-date and accurate job titles, allowing you to conduct more successful targeted marketing.
Alternate contact/Title appending can transform an incomplete contact file into a valuable leads list, increasing the value of your database. We can enter complete contact information, such as physical address, title, phone number, fax number, email address, area code, and so on.

High append rates ranging from 35 – 75%